Henan Huatai Group

Stock code:837819
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Huatai LQ series counter-current cooler
Huatai LQ series counter-current cooler

Huatai LQ series counter-current cooler

Huatai LQ series counter-current cooler

Product Details

Equipment Type: Cooler

Product Applications: Mainly used for cooling high temperature pellet.

Product features: The machine has a unique cooling mechanism, The cooling air moves countercurrent with high temperature and high humidity materials, The material is cooled gradually from top to bottom, Avoid the phenomenon of material surface cracking caused by sudden cooling of vertical cooler.

Device parameters:

Model  LQ140*140  LQ190*190  LQ240*240  LQ300*300
Power(kw) 1.1+0.55  2.2+0.55  2.2+0.55  3+0.55
Capacity(t/h) 5  10  20  30
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